Re: Satan_doc on Solaris 2.3 (fwd)

Stephen Potter (
Fri, 24 Mar 1995 10:01:09 -0500

On Mar 23, 11:20am, Jeremy Foot wrote:
> Subject: Re: Satan_doc on Solaris 2.3 (fwd)
> > ----- End Included Message -----
> Yep, I had this problem. Eventually I gave up on socket.h. Wrote my own
> header based on some site specific stuff. Basically SOCK_STREAM = 1 for
> Sunos4 and 2 for Sunos5. Whichever genius decided to change this wants
> binding to a very lonely address. SOCK_STREAM and other such constants
> ;-0 are hard coded into lots of things like anf

If you correctly run h2ph on your include files, under perl 5, you should
be able to:

use Socket;

to get the correct values.  In those cases (carryovers from perl4) where
the SOCK_STREAM and other constants are hard-coded, change them.  If you
find in the standard perl5 distribution any hard-coded values like these,
please let us know at, or post to comp.lang.perl.

>-- End of excerpt from Jeremy Foot


Stephen P Potter		Varimetrix Corporation
2350 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 4			    Palm Bay, FL 32905
(407) 676-3222 						  CAD/CAM/CAE/Software